Innocents StoryInnocent’s life has been horrifying from the beginning. She lived in Rwanda when she was a child. She was five years old when the genocide happened in Rwanda. Her family was running with a crowd in terror to cross into Burundi. She witnessed her father and two siblings being killed with machetes. Her mother and other siblings crossed into Burundi and survived. After the end of the genocide, they were forced to return to Rwanda. It was traumatic, and they lived in the memory of the fear. Innocent never attended school because of the expense, and she was a girl.
Innocent married young, and her husband was abusive. Her daughters were not allowed to attend school. Innocent was pregnant at the time, but the abuse was too much. She took her three children and ran from the abuse. One of her children died while they were running. Eventually, she found her way to Bakka. She has lived in Bakka now for three years. A man took advantage of her, and she became pregnant again. That is when Kisboka became involved when we learned of a starving pregnant mother of 3 children.
Kisoboka enrolled her three girls in school, Reachel 15 years old had to start in the nursery section because she had never attended school and did not know the basics. Emmanuel, her son, was born in Kisoboka Medical Center. Kisoboka social worker visits the family monthly, and we provide food to the family. Our goal is to empower Innocent to earn a living to provide for her family.
In December, Innocent’s charcoal and retail store was funded. We will work with her and guide her to make sure she succeeds. Her prayer is that her children are educated and have bright, successful futures.