Our student’s exam fees had to be paid this week; if we did not pay, students would not be allowed to take the exam, our primary seven students would not be allowed into High School, our Sr4 students could not attend Sr5 Advanced High School (Community College) and our Sr 6 would not be allowed to attend University. Their dreams of a brighter future would end, or they would have to repeat the year, praying they could raise the exam fee next time.
Their parents gave all they could, but not one family could pay the total price. As hard as we tried, Kisoboka only raised $700 for this urgent need. Tough choices had to be made because of the limited funds available.
This week, the Kisoboka Uganda staff voted unanimously to donate half their monthly salary so that every student could register for their exam! $ 4,917.00. The average teacher’s monthly salary is $164. Living on only $82 or less for the month is a personal sacrifice.
I posted on Facebook, and donations are coming in. If 51 more people donated $50, we could raise funds to repay our staff for this amazing personal sacrifice. The picture below is our first Sr6 graduating class. We have watched these students grow up. Future Doctors, Surgeons, Lawyers, Nurses, and Computer Programers!