Kisoboka Medical Center -Miracle Gift

Twelve boxes of life-saving equipment are packed and ready to ship!   This is a fantastic gift!  Our challenge is the need for stable electricity at the medical center before the equipment can be set up.We need to add.  Please consider making a year-end gift to help us prepare to use the equipment when it arrives!  Kisoboka, together we can! Picture …

Ebola Outbreak in Uganda

Oh, Uganda, My Heart Breaks For You!We canceled our October Mission Trip. Uganda is dealing with an outbreak of Ebola. Doctors and Nurses are exhausted from dealing with COVID. They are tired, frustrated, underpaid and expected to work without the proper protective gear.  Doctors have died. Interns are going on strike, and Ebola is spreading. Students at Kisoboka Junior are …

Mission Uganda

A mission team will be heading to Uganda in October! This is the final semester of 2022, Kisoboka Junior primary seven students and Kisoboka High School sr4 students are studying hard to prepare for their graduating exams. The mission team will be hosting a career day at the High School. The day will include guest speakers, top-performing students, and recognition of our long-term teachers and …

Hear Her Cry

I don’t watch TV in Uganda, to be exact I never turn the TV on. This trip was different, every time the power went out and came back on the TV turned on. The first time this happened it scared me, I was nowhere near the clicker. Very early one morning this kept happening, the TV would turn on and …

Uganda, Here I Come

I am heading to Uganda on June 17th, my 24th visit in over 14 years.    This visit’s focus will be on human rights specifically girls/women human rights. Traditional customs are deeply ingrained in the parents and elders of Bakka. The Kisoboka team must be lovingly convincing to leaders parents and guardians of the need to change while empowering the students …

14 Years Ago

My first visit to Uganda was 14 Years Ago. This is one of my notes from the day I returned from Uganda in 2008.I returned from Uganda today. I am tired after the 18 hours of travel my update will be short.When we arrived in Uganda 24 people, met us at the airport. Even though I only knew one person, …

The Girl Child

The need in Uganda is overwhelming, every meeting every conversation with staff, women leaders, counselors, and village leaders during my visit all revolved around the same need.  Women and the girl child need our help!Girls are still being sold by their families for bride prices,  girls are still being sold into prostitution for income. They become pregnant and have no skills …

The Story of Kizza Favor and her family

Am Kizza Favor from Lukunyu Ntinda a sister to Nakato Nantale Florence and we study from Kisoboka Junior School in grade three and five respectively.I live with 6 members at home currently raised by a single dad Natale Lawrence. My siblings are Nakato Nantale Florence, Babilye Zalwango, Nakato Gorret and Wassaja Junior.My dad struggles to get basics from his occupation …

Kisoboka 2021

Thank you, for supporting Kisoboka Uganda, Inc. During this second year of a global pandemic, we’ve been able to not only maintain but grow all of the projects under Kisoboka umbrella. Without your help, and the help of other friends of Kisoboka this would not have been possible. Our goal this year has been to answer the needs of the …


Kisoboka provides families and students living in the Village of Bakka with choices.Parents can choose to send their children to school for an education.Students can choose to stay in school to fulfil a dream or not but doors and opportunities are available to them to make choices to pursue careers, and many educational options they never had before. While the …