The Village of Bakka

Based on the Uganda Bureau of Statistics 2019 Census

The population of Bakka- 6371 people

0-17 years 55.2% of the total population

18-30 years 20.9% of the total population

31-59 years 19.7% of the total population

60 + 4.2% of the total population

10% of the people in Bakka are living with disabilities

Attending school

6-12 years old 87.9% are attending primary school.

13-18 years old 40% are attending High School.

Note: only 8.3% of the students that start High School will graduate.

Girls' Marriage and Child Birth.
11.2 %  (32 girls) between the age of 10-17 reported being married in 2019.

 17.8 % (85 girls) between the age of 12-17 reported having a baby in 2019.

Decent housing - homes with roofs, floors, outhouses.
Based on the census findings 96.4% of the people in Bakka are not living in decent housing. Only 1.9% have an outhouse.

These are some extreme poverty conditions Kisoboka is working to change!

PLEASE consider sponsoring a Student!  Empowering them to break the cycle of poverty! $35 sponsors education and helps cover their families care at Kisoboka Medical Center!

Contact Sandy Gannon if you are willing to sponsor a student
